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Regain Control of Your Mind + Life


Break Free of Mental Health Stigmas. Take Control. Transform Your Life!

Krystal sitting on steps and looking pensive

Does this sound familiar?

You are either newly diagnosed or diagnosed for years, and you haven't figured "it" out yet.

You are tired of the yo-yo effect of bouncing between stability and major disruptions to your life, relationships, and money.

You are looking for ways to gain more support from your circle.

You need a way to find your voice and your say when you are at your lowest and can't articulate your wants and needs.

That was me, too.


I live with bipolar disorder and it took me years to figure "it" out. From the reckless and impulsive behavior of the mania (such as thousand dollar spending sprees, ruining my relationships, and incorporating two businesses without a plan in place) to the lows and emptiness of the depression. I've been there.


In the 13 years that I've been diagnosed, I have been hospitalized four times. But through the system that I've developed for myself, I've managed to stay hospital-free for 5 years now! I've honed what works for me:

  • Therapy, medication, and regular acupuncture appointments

  • A vibrant social life with my family and friends -- their support is key

  • And a self-care routine that prioritizes sleep, eating, deep breathing, and boundaries

Imagine Being Able to Live Life On Your Terms Without the
Multiple Disruptions, Ruined Relationships, and Money Troubles...


  • Being able to identify your triggers and warning signs in order to catch an episode in its early stages and prevent it from escalating.

  • Being connected to your support system and having specific people to call on for your specific needs: need a shoulder to cry on, call X. Need a friend to hang out with, call Y. Learn how to use your social support wisely.

  • Being able to articulate your needs and requests for help even when you are feeling symptomatic and are unable to self-advocate.  

  • Being able to make peace with your diagnosis and stop letting it control you. You have a mental health condition, it does not have you.


Life On Your Terms:

Learn to Thrive With a Mental Health Condition

A Group Coaching Program for Women of Color

So What Can You Expect From
 "Life On Your Terms"?

Greater clarity, focus, and peace around your diagnosis. Fighting the label or diagnosis leads to unnecessary misery and hardships.

A community of like-minded women of color who get you without ever having met you. A community of women of color who want for you what they want for themselves: to see you succeeding and thriving.

The space and time to reflect on your experiences and mental health journey, and the support of someone who has been where you are currently.

Self-advocacy primer on how to advocate for your wants and needs.

Hope in knowing that you are not doomed to your current circumstances -- the challenges with friendships and relationships, money troubles, employment issues, all-over-the-place emotions.


And tangible documents to have on hand when you are not capable of self-advocating: a support system chart and mental health action plan. 

Krystal holding balloons and facing the camera while smiling. Her shirt says "Queen of Self-Care"

What Makes "Life On Your Terms" Different?

  • I’ve been where you are. I, too, live with a mental health condition. I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder for 13 years now - all of my trial and error and all the hard-won lessons I’ve learned are built into this program.

  • There’s built in accountability to keep you on track and to support you every step of the way through the program.

  • You’ll learn what tools, coping methods, and self-care practices work best for you to manage your symptoms.

  • And you’ll create tangible documents that will help you identify your support system and create your mental health action plan so that you and your support system are always aware of your wishes and needs -- even when you cannot articulate them.

Here’s What’s Inside:

My 4P Framework:

PROCESS your experiences, choose your POWER tools and PEOPLE, and create your PLAN = How to thrive and live well with a mental health condition


Module 1: Define + Reflect on Your Relationship to Self + Diagnosis

Through journaling and self-reflection, process your thoughts and feelings about yourself and your diagnosis. Identify what it means to live well and to persevere with a mental health condition.


Module 2: Create a “Flourishing + Nourishing” Toolbox

Choose from over 50 tools, coping methods, and self-care practices that align with your interests, your schedule, and your budget in order to create a personalized self-care plan that can manage your symptoms and maintain your stability and well-being.


Module 3: Activate a Support System

Learn what an effective support system is and how to select who belongs in yours. Through my step-by-step process, you’ll decide on the kind of support you need (e.g. someone to vent to, someone to laugh with, someone to distract you from your symptoms, someone to visit you, etc.) and on who would be best to provide that specific type of support. 


Module 4: Create a Mental Health Action Plan

Never be voiceless again. Decide on what plans you want in place when you are unable to self-advocate. For instance, what are your triggers and warning signs? Who should be contacted in the event of an emergency (and who should not be contacted)? Are you on any medications? And so on. Have it all written down in one place and distribute to your support system so everyone knows exactly how best to support you.

Are you ready to live the life you deserve, on your terms?

Are you ready to take control of your mental health condition?

Are you ready to put safeguards in place to ensure your wishes and needs are always known?


Enroll today for $499.

I want you to be 100% confident when you enroll in Life On Your Terms. Buy it, try it, apply it. You’ll be backed by our 14-day money back guarantee. 

3 Ways to Know If “Life On Your Terms” Is Perfect For You…

  1. You are a woman of color that lives with depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.

  2. You are currently in therapy or taking medication, but are still struggling to see the results in your life that you want. You want to live with more intention and less disruptions.

  3. You’ve tried Googling solutions or reading books on how to live well with depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, but got overwhelmed by all the hits and the conflicting information.

Don’t let another year go by before you take a hold of your life and your diagnosis and live unapologetically well.

Can you really afford any more rocky or ruined relationships?

Can you really afford any more credit card debt from reckless spending sprees?

Do you want to live with a negative loop of thoughts playing in your head?

You can take charge of your life and live with less disruptions.


Image of Krystal pointing to the words "Got questions?"

Are you a therapist?

No, I am not a therapist. I’ve been in therapy for more than a decade so trust me: I value therapists. But what I am offering is complimentary. It’s meant to add on to the valuable work you’ve started with your therapist. And to get a chance to learn from someone who has been where you are and come out the other side. I live with far fewer life disruptions than I did when I was first diagnosed. I’ve had 13 years to learn what I need to live on my terms, and I want to help you, too.

I’ve tried everything else, what makes your program different?

My program is different because I’ll be your instructor and coach. I haven’t let my diagnosis hold me back from a romantic life, a professional life, or from having healthy relationships with my family and friends. I’ve learned to make peace with my diagnosis and I’ve used self-care to my advantage. Let me show you what I’ve learned and what has worked for me.

When does the program start and how long is it?

This is a live program, not a self-study one. So we'll gather one day per week via
Zoom for the duration of the 4-week program.    

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