The Self-Care Lab
Take Care of Yourself, Know Your Worth, and Own Your Impact
The Self-Care Lab was designed especially for busy, time-strapped, overwhelmed teachers and social workers. You pour so much into your students and clients, but sometimes forget that you are just as worthy and deserving of your own time, attention, care, and love. The Self-Care Lab will provide you with the tools and the time to slow down and fill your own cup first, before offering to others from your overflow. You can't give what you don't have.
You have days where you're grouchy, uptight, overwhelmed, or irritable
You struggle to show up as your best self in your relationships and at work
You doubt your impact as a teacher or social worker
You don't think you are worth the time to invest in yourself (or you don't think you have the time)
You spend more money on others than you do on yourself

Imagine If...
You have days (and a life!) where you feel healthy, fulfilled, and vibrant
You show up beautifully and significantly for yourself and for your people (partner/ children/ friends/ students/ clients)
You stand in your worth as a teacher or social worker
You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are worth the time investment in your growth, development, and wellness
You prioritize your wholeness and happiness the way you do for others

Hello, I'm Krystal
Teacher. Licensed Social Worker. Bipolar Warrior. Self-Care Coach.
I have worked both as a teacher (middle and high school English teacher!) and as a social worker. I also live with bipolar disorder. So I take my self-care very seriously. My health and mental stability literally depend on my ability to take care of myself well.
In fact, I founded my self-care coaching company because of my bipolar disorder. I recognized how vital good self-care is for my wellbeing and knew it had to be the same for others.
I coach teachers and social workers because they are the most hardworking, self-sacrificing, give-it-your-all kinda people I know. You pour and pour into others, but you don't always make your own to-do list.
I created The Self-Care Lab to provide you with the support and tools you need to live a life of fulfillment, wellness, and greater impact.
Introducing... The Self-Care Lab
Take Care of Yourself, Know Your Worth, and Own Your Impact
5 Weekly Live Zoom Coaching Calls
5 Fillable PDF Workbooks based on The CARER Method Curriculum
Voxer Access for Support and Accountability Between Zoom Calls
The CARER Method
The CARER Method
Because you care so much for so many people, I offer you The Carer Method to hold and support you on your self-care journey...
C - Cultivate a Self-Care Mindset
A - Assess Your Stress Levels
R - Reach Your Goals
E - Execute a Personalized
Self-Care Plan
R - Repeat + Reflect on Implementing Your Plan
Reach Your Goals
You will identify three goals: one short term goal, one long term goal, and one bucket list goal. As teachers, we plan backwards. And as social workers, you introduce your clients to SMART goals. So you know all about goal setting. In this module, you'll think about what goals have been laid on your heart for quite some time. And think about how achieving these goals will make you feel.
Cultivate a Self-Care Mindset
You will start with a mindset inventory to understand if you lean more towards a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset. Next, you’ll reflect on where, how, and who you learned about self-care from. Do you feel guilty or selfish for prioritizing your needs? And, you’ll examine your choice to become a teacher or social worker: what is your origin story, what’s your why, and what keeps you in your profession? And how can self-care sustain you?
Execute a Personalized
Self-Care Plan
There are 6 realms of self-care: mental, physical, spiritual, social, professional, and financial. You will brainstorm multiple self-care activities for each category. However, sustainability is the name of the game. So you will not be expected to implement it all at once. This is to give you an idea of what you are interested in, what your schedule allows, and what aligns with your values.
Assess Your Stress Levels
Learn how stress manifests in your body and mind. Assess and identify your own stress triggers and responses. And learn how to manage your stressors better. For instance, does grading or writing client notes stress you out? Learn concrete strategies for managing your unique responsibilities as teachers and social workers.
Repeat and Reflect on
Implementing Your Plan
This will be your second week of implementing your personalized self-care plan. What went well? What really worked? What didn’t work so well? Where did you feel committed? And where did you feel unmotivated to act? How can you tweak your plan to make it even more sustainable, realistic, and effective? Lastly, you will reflect on the last month: what have you learned, what will you carry with you, what can you offer yourself more of/less of?
The Self-Care Lab
Is For You....
If you're ready to make an investment in your self-care
If you're tired of being tired, and stressed, and irritable
If you're ready to walk fully head-held-high, shoulders back, chest forward into your purpose and impact
The Self-Care Lab
Is Not For You...
If you're not ready to invest in filling your own cup
If you're not ready to take the time to make the impact in your communities that you know you are capable of
If you're not ready to put in the effort to thrive

Why Did I Create The Self-Care Lab?
I created The Self-Care Lab to serve and support you, my fellow teachers and social workers, in your self-care journeys. I understand how stressful and overwhelming both careers can be, and I wanted to offer you the tools to create a life that feels good and is good for you. Burnout is real. And it is our responsibility to ourselves to love, honor, and value us the way we do our students and clients.
Self-care is for you FIRST. Everything else is secondary.
Think of the Snickers commercial: you're not you when you're hungry. Well, you're not your best self when you are burnt out, cranky, irritable, overwhelmed, or sleep-deprived. Take care of you, Sis!
How much is this program?
While the program is valued at $1850 [$750 for 5 hours of coaching + $100 for the 5 workbooks + $1000 for 5 weeks of Voxer access and support], the cost to you is $555!
Who is this program for?
This program is for teachers and social workers who need additional support and accountability to reset or jumpstart their self-care practices in order to thrive personally and professionally.
What experience do you have?
I have been a classroom teacher for 12 years. Although I am a licensed master social worker (LMSW) in the state of New York, I am currently teaching middle school English. And I've had the joy of coaching for 4 years now. I know what it's like to work with students and clients, and I know what it's like to need self-care. I've been in your shoes. I am in your shoes!
When does this program start?
This program starts on Tuesday, August 2nd and will meet every Tuesday through August 30th (that's 5 Tuesdays in total) from 6pm to 7:30pm EST.
What if I have more questions?
Please, feel free to email me at Hello (at) TotalLifeCareCoaching (dot) com.
Having Krystal as my Life Coach has been nothing but awesome! Krystal is very kind, compassionate, a great listener, and non-judgmental. She is also very positive, supportive and encouraging. When I first began working with Krystal, I was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed due to some recent life changes. Based on my needs and self-care assessment that Krystal administered, she was able to obtain a clear understanding of where I was, and assisted me with setting self-care goals to improve each area of my life. Each session with Krystal was a pleasurable experience as I felt validated, supported, and heard. As a result of the coaching with Krystal, I have learned to make self-care a priority. I have implemented the tools that she provided to take care of my mental, emotional, and physical health, which has increased my energy and productivity as well as my level of happiness and peace. I also have become more organized and focused. Our time together will benefit me for the rest of my life.
Monica J.
Social Worker
As a Black woman, I constantly find myself pushing away my needs to satisfy other people. I used to think that self care was something I do after I've tended to the outside world, but Krystal helped me by teaching that self care is a daily practice regardless of what is swirling around me. As a result, I now commit to daily, weekly, and monthly self care practices that have enriched my life. I entered into this process with the goal of becoming a better me by taking better care of myself - I found the experience to be affirming and uplifting, as Krystal has a gift for meeting you where you are and uplifting your spirits. I would recommend Krystal to people who are ready to use self care as a tool for surviving and thriving, who want to use self care to sustain them as they pursue their purpose.
Brendane T.
PhD Student/Former Teacher